Students and teachers began using temporary classrooms the week of April 22 as the Penn Manor High School renovation and construction project entered a new phase.
Foreign language, art and agricultural education classes have moved into two temporary structures erected behind the math wing of the high school.
The spaces include 14 modular classrooms for art and foreign language classes and an adjacent, barn-like structure with three classrooms and shops for ag classes.
As part of the transition, English classes were relocated to the former foreign language classrooms at the high school.
The relocations will enable demolition of the art, English and ag wing of the school to begin the week of April 29.
Once that structure has been razed and excavated, workers will complete compaction grouting to stabilize the earth prior to construction of the school’s new STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) wing.
The STEM wing, which also will house ag classes and shops, is scheduled to be completed by the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
Compaction grouting currently is under way beneath the former parking area behind the school’s administrative offices.
In addition to the STEM wing, the next phase of the project will include construction of a performing arts wing, including band, chorus and orchestra classrooms and performance spaces and an auditorium.
That section also is expected to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year.
Many thanks to Penn Manor teachers, students and staff for their patience and assistance during the transition to these new spaces.